Delhi University Rejects ‘Manusmriti’ in Law Curriculum, Upholds Progressive Values [DU News]

Delhi University (DU) rejects 'Manusmriti' inclusion in law curriculum on July 11, 2024. Vice-Chancellor cites commitment to equality. Decision sparks debate on traditional texts in modern legal education. For details: []

Delhi University Rejects 'Manusmriti' in Law Curriculum, Upholds Progressive Values
Delhi University Rejects 'Manusmriti' in Law Curriculum, Upholds Progressive Values

NEW DELHI, July 11, 2024 – Delhi University (DU) has decisively rejected a proposal to include the ancient Hindu text ‘Manusmriti’ in its law curriculum. Vice-Chancellor Yogesh Singh announced the decision Thursday, emphasizing DU’s commitment to progressive education and equality.

Key Updates in DU Law Curriculum Discussion:

  1. DU Rejects Controversial Proposal: Delhi University says no to Faculty of Law’s idea of including ‘Manusmriti’ in jurisprudence studies.

  2. Faculty Disagrees with Manusmriti: Some DU educators oppose the text for its negative views on women and marginalized groups.

  3. DU Supports Progressive Approach: University’s decision reflects commitment to inclusive, modern values in law education at Delhi University.

Controversy Over Delhi University Law Curriculum

There was a proposal from DU’s Faculty of Law to update the jurisprudence paper by incorporating readings from ‘Manusmriti’, particularly ‘Manusmriti with Manubhashi’ and an associated commentary. The recommendation was met with swift criticism from the Social Democratic Teachers Front (SDTF), backed by the Left, who argued that the text’s discriminatory perspectives contradict the constitutional principles taught in DU’s law syllabus.

DU University’s Official Position on Law Curriculum

Vice-Chancellor Yogesh Singh clarified Delhi University’s stance:

“DU will not teach content that contradicts the values of equality and progressiveness that we uphold in our law curriculum.” This statement underscores the administration’s commitment to fostering an inclusive academic environment at Delhi University.

Opposition to Manusmriti in DU Law Curriculum

SDTF leaders at Delhi University articulated their objections:

“In Manusmriti, several sections oppose women’s education and equal rights. Introducing any part of Manusmriti contradicts the fundamental structure of our Constitution and its principles, which are central to DU’s law curriculum.”

Implications for Legal Education at Delhi University

The rejection sets a precedent for how DU and potentially other Indian universities approach controversial historical texts in academic programs. It reaffirms Delhi University’s alignment with contemporary constitutional values and principles of equality in legal education.

Key Information on DU Law Curriculum Decision:

  • DU Announcement Date: July 11, 2024
  • Proposed Discussion Date at DU: July 12, 2024
  • Contested Texts in DU Proposal: ‘Manusmriti with Manubhashi’ and commentary on ‘Manusmriti’

Expert Perspective on DU’s Law Curriculum

Dr. Amita Dhanda, Professor of Law at NALSAR University, comments:

“Delhi University’s decision reflects growing awareness in academia about critically examining historical texts through a modern lens. While studying ancient legal systems has value, it must be done without perpetuating outdated, discriminatory ideologies in DU’s law curriculum.”

DU Balances Tradition and Progress in Law Curriculum

Delhi University’s rejection of the ‘Manusmriti’ proposal highlights the ongoing debate between traditional texts and modern educational values in India’s academic institutions. This move reaffirms DU’s commitment to a progressive approach to legal education, ensuring its law curriculum aligns with contemporary constitutional principles and societal norms.

The decision underscores the importance of critically evaluating historical texts in legal studies, promoting inclusive education, and upholding constitutional values in academic settings. As Indian universities continue to navigate these complex issues, Delhi University’s stance serves as a significant precedent in shaping the future of law curricula across the country.

Samiksha is a veteran journalist with over twenty years of experience, having worked with top outlets like Click News, and India TV. Currently at, Samiksha excels in crafting detailed, accurate, and engaging Education news articles. His work is known for its clarity and accessibility, making complex topics understandable for all readers, including fifth graders. Samiksha commitment to ethical journalism and quality content often sees his articles achieving top story status on platforms like Google News.