Google Maps update brings important change to its privacy

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Google Maps to stop storing location history on its servers
Google Maps logo
Google Maps to stop storing location history on its servers

Google Maps is bringing a significant change to its privacy feature. Until now, Google used to store all the Maps location history on its servers. But a new update of Google Maps will see them storing all the location data locally on the devices, and not on their servers anymore. 

Google has also renamed the location history feature to Timeline, which will store all the data on all the places visited and routes taken by users, on the devices only. According to reports, Google has already started sending out mails to its users worldwide which says “you have until December 1st to save all your travels to your mobile device before it starts deleting your old data.” 

However, the web version of the Timeline will not be available for the desktop version. Earlier, users could access their location history through the web interface, but with this new update, it will no longer be available on Google Maps desktop edition. But this feature will still be available on Google Maps for Android and iOS. 

This new update is aimed at enhancing user privacy and data security, which will put more control on data sharing on the user. Google also warned its users through a mail saying, “If you don’t update your settings by the deadline in the emails and notifications you receive, you may lose some or all of your Timeline data, like your visits and routes.” 

Also, Google is also expected to offer end-to-end encrypted cloud backups for your Timeline in Maps, to further protect your data. This update is meant to ensure that only you can access this backup, adding an extra layer of security. Google will also introduce an auto-delete feature for their location history which the users can enable to minimize their digital footprint. 

In the last few years, Google has faced backlash from various quarters regarding leaks of users’ personal information on Maps. This violation of its location-sharing policies has prompted the tech giant to revamp their privacy feature on Google Maps, thereby bringing this new update. 

Saurab is a seasoned journalist with a knack for uncovering the heart of a story. With years of experience in investigative reporting, Saurab specializes in bringing depth and context to current events. Their commitment to truth and accuracy ensures readers are always well-informed
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