Instagram Rolls Out a 15-Minute Grace Period for Editing Direct Messages

Instagram Rolls Out a 15-Minute Grace Period for Editing Direct Messages
Instagram Rolls Out a 15-Minute Grace Period for Editing Direct Messages (image via Meta)
Instagram Rolls Out a 15-Minute Grace Period for Editing Direct Messages
Instagram Rolls Out a 15-Minute Grace Period for Editing Direct Messages (image via Meta)

Have you ever sent a direct message on Instagram and immediately regretted it? Maybe you made a typo, forgot to add something, or accidentally sent it to the wrong person. Well, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey by Instagram, 73% of users have experienced some form of “DM remorse” at least once.

That’s why Instagram is introducing a new feature that will allow users to edit their direct messages within 15 minutes of sending them. The feature, which is rolling out globally today, will let users tap and hold on a message to access the edit option. Users can then make changes to the message and resend it, or delete it altogether.

The edited message will have a small indicator that shows it has been modified, and the original message will still be visible to the recipient for transparency. However, if the recipient has not seen the message yet, they will only see the edited version.

Instagram says the feature is designed to give users more control and flexibility over their conversations, and to reduce the stress and anxiety that can come from sending a message that they wish they could take back. The feature is also in line with Instagram’s vision of making its platform a more positive and safe space for users to express themselves.

The feature is available for both one-on-one and group chats, and works for text, photo, video, and voice messages. Users can edit up to three messages per conversation within the 15-minute grace period. The feature is currently only available for direct messages, and not for stories, comments, or posts.

Instagram hopes that the feature will encourage users to communicate more freely and authentically with their friends, family, and followers, without worrying about making mistakes or being misunderstood. The feature is part of Instagram’s ongoing efforts to improve its messaging experience, which also include the integration with Facebook Messenger, the introduction of vanish mode, and the expansion of reels and shopping.

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