International Kidney Transplant Racket Busted: Arrests at Yatharth Hospital, Noida, Delhi Police Unveil Network

The Delhi Police Crime Branch exposed an international kidney transplant racket, arresting key suspects in Noida, with investigations revealing illegal transplants and fake documents. Visit Delhi Police Official Website.

International Kidney Transplant Racket Busted: Key Arrests at Yatharth Hospital, Noida, Delhi Police Unveil Network

NOIDA, July 18, 2024 – In a significant breakthrough, the Delhi Police Crime Branch has unearthed an international kidney transplant racket, with investigations revealing a large-scale operation centered in Noida and extending internationally. Key arrests include Dr. D Vijaya Rajkumari, who performed over 20 kidney transplants at Yatharth Hospital, with illegal activities uncovered at various dialysis centers in Bangladesh and India.

The investigation has uncovered critical details and documents about the kidney transplant racket network, shedding light on the scale and complexity of the illegal operations. The police have verified the involvement of multiple suspects and have gathered substantial evidence, including fake documents and seals used for facilitating illegal transplants.

Kidney Transplant Racket Investigation and Arrests

The Crime Branch’s probe into the kidney transplant racket has led to multiple significant findings. Among the arrested is Dr. D Vijaya Rajkumari, a kidney transplant surgeon associated with Apollo Hospital, who has conducted over 20 illegal transplants at Yatharth Hospital in Greater Noida West. This revelation came from the interrogation of seven suspects detained in connection with the kidney transplant racket.

  • Key Findings:
    • Verification of patient and donor documents by the Health Department.
    • Discovery of connections with international patients, particularly from Bangladesh.
    • Collection of important documents and evidence from the suspects.

Important Clues & International Network

The investigation has revealed numerous significant clues, showing that the arrested accused had prepared files for six patients demanding kidneys, with 20 other patients also in contact with them. The gang’s operations spread not only across Delhi but also internationally, involving patients and their relatives from Bangladesh who were contacted at dialysis centers and brought to India for transplants with fake documents.

  • Revealed Operations:
    • The use of fake documents for patient and donor identification.
    • The role of Bangladeshi dialysis centers in sourcing patients.
    • Pre-arranged transactions and fixed operation dates after donor arrangements.

Gang Leader & Modus Operandi

The investigation has uncovered that the kidney transplant racket’s gang leader, Russell, coordinated the operations with his associate Ifti, who contacted patients and relatives at several dialysis centers in Bangladesh. Ifti has gone underground since the raid. The gang charged 25 to 50 percent of the total amount in advance, with the remainder paid after scheduling the operation.

  • Seized Items:
    • Seals and documents for creating fake identities.
    • Pen drives and hard disks containing crucial data.

Fake Documents & Seals Recovered

During the raids, the Crime Branch seized numerous fake documents and seals from notable doctors, notary publics, and lawyers. These were used to create fraudulent papers to facilitate illegal transplants. Technical investigations are ongoing to extract further evidence from confiscated pen drives and hard disks.

  • Key Clues:
    • Files of six patients and contact details of 20 others.
    • Fake documents recovered during arrests.
    • Connections to international patients, particularly from Bangladesh.


This bust highlights the need for stringent checks and balances within the healthcare sector to prevent such illegal activities. The Crime Branch is intensifying its efforts to apprehend the remaining suspects and dismantle the entire kidney transplant racket network. The investigation serves as a crucial step towards curbing illegal medical practices and ensuring the integrity of healthcare services.

The Delhi Police Crime Branch’s exposure of this international kidney transplant racket underscores the critical importance of vigilance and robust regulatory measures in the medical field. As the investigation progresses, it promises to uncover more about the intricate workings of the kidney transplant racket and bring all perpetrators to justice.


Samiksha is a veteran journalist with over twenty years of experience, having worked with top outlets like Click News, and India TV. Currently at, Samiksha excels in crafting detailed, accurate, and engaging Education news articles. His work is known for its clarity and accessibility, making complex topics understandable for all readers, including fifth graders. Samiksha commitment to ethical journalism and quality content often sees his articles achieving top story status on platforms like Google News.