is tiktok getting banned in US? Here is all we know

is tiktok getting banned in US? Here is all we know
is tiktok getting banned in US? Here is all we know (image via
is tiktok getting banned in US? Here is all we know
is tiktok getting banned in US? Here is all we know (image via

The popular social media app, TikTok, is currently under the microscope in the United States. There are discussions about a potential ban on the app if it doesn’t sever ties with its Beijing-based parent company.

The Bill That Could Lead to a TikTok Ban

A bill has been introduced in the US House of Representatives that could potentially lead to a ban on TikTok. The bill, known as the “Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act,” was introduced by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL).

The bill proposes that social media platforms under the control of countries considered adversarial to the US could be identified and designated as national security threats. If a platform is deemed a national security threat, it would be banned from app stores and web hosting services unless it cuts all ties with the foreign adversarial country within 180 days.

TikTok’s Stand on the Issue

TikTok has denied having ties to the Chinese Communist Party. The app has been under scrutiny for a while now, with concerns about data security and foreign influence.

What’s Next?

The bill has passed its first round of voting in the House Energy and Commerce Committee. It will next be debated on the House floor, where all members of the House have an opportunity to vote.

The future of TikTok in the US is uncertain. As the situation unfolds, TikTok users and fans are eagerly waiting for the final decision.

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