UP Plantation Drive: 36.50 Crore Saplings to Be Planted Statewide on July 20

Uttar Pradesh’s historic environmental initiative will see 36.50 crore saplings planted across the state on July 20. Special guidelines in Ghaziabad ensure smooth execution

UP Plantation Drive: 36.50 Crore Saplings to Be Planted Statewide on July 20
UP Plantation Drive: 36.50 Crore Saplings to Be Planted Statewide on July 20

GHAZIABAD, July 19, 2024 — In an unprecedented environmental initiative, Uttar Pradesh is set to plant 36.50 crore saplings across the state this Saturday. Spearheaded by the Department of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, this UP plantation drive aims to significantly enhance the state’s green cover and contribute to climate change mitigation. Special arrangements have been made in Ghaziabad, where residents will follow specific guidelines to participate effectively.

Uttar Pradesh government and Department of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change are leading the UP plantation drive to plant 36.50 crore saplings statewide. Special provisions in Ghaziabad will guide local residents during the event scheduled for Saturday, July 20, 2024. This effort aims to improve green cover and combat climate change, coordinated by departmental staff and local communities.

UP Plantation Drive Event Coverage

The Uttar Pradesh government’s campaign to plant 36.50 crore saplings represents one of the most ambitious afforestation projects in the state’s history. This UP plantation drive is aimed at increasing the green cover, thereby helping to mitigate climate change and restore ecological balance. Thousands of volunteers and local residents across various districts will participate in this UP plantation drive.

Special Guidelines in Ghaziabad

In Ghaziabad, unique guidelines have been issued to ensure the smooth execution of the UP plantation drive. The district will follow specific protocols to manage the large-scale involvement of residents and ensure that saplings are planted effectively. Special Secretary Anil Kumar has emphasized the importance of adhering to these guidelines to maximize the campaign’s impact.

UP Plantation Drive Rescheduling of Sampoorna Samadhan Diwas

To support the UP plantation drive, the Sampoorna Samadhan Diwas, a regular event for addressing public grievances, has been rescheduled from its usual Saturday slot to Monday. This adjustment underscores the government’s focus on the UP plantation drive and aims to ensure full participation without disrupting other essential services.

Anil Kumar, Special Secretary, remarked, “This initiative is more than just a mass planting exercise; it represents our commitment to environmental stewardship. We urge all residents to join hands and follow the prescribed guidelines to make this UP plantation drive a historic success.”

UP Plantation Drive

The UP plantation drive comes in response to growing environmental concerns and the need for enhanced green spaces in Uttar Pradesh. By setting a record for the largest number of saplings planted in a single day, the state aims to lead by example and inspire similar efforts across India. The initiative is expected to have significant ecological benefits, including improved air quality, soil conservation, and biodiversity enhancement.

Previous Related Events

The current UP plantation drive builds on previous successful afforestation efforts in the state, including earlier campaigns that focused on increasing green cover in urban and rural areas. These past initiatives have laid the groundwork for the ambitious goals of this year’s campaign.

Sampoorna Samadhan Diwas

Sampoorna Samadhan Diwas is typically held on the first and third Saturday of every month at the tehsil level, where citizens can present their grievances from 10 AM to 2 PM. Officials from various departments are available to address issues, facilitating better departmental coordination and public service delivery. The rescheduling to Monday this month ensures that this essential service continues without hindering the UP plantation drive.

The campaign’s success will be evaluated based on several factors, including the number of saplings planted, survival rates, and community engagement levels. The Department of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change has also set up monitoring mechanisms to track the progress and outcomes of the UP plantation drive.

Uttar Pradesh’s 36.50 crore saplings campaign is a landmark initiative aimed at addressing climate change and boosting environmental health. With extensive preparations and community involvement, this UP plantation drive has the potential to set new standards for environmental sustainability in the region. Residents and officials alike are expected to play a crucial role in achieving the campaign’s ambitious goals.


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